Another wonderful morning on the beach. There are no words for the peaceful feeling of being on the beach, all alone, watching the day begin. Energizing, invigorating and all the cliche words apply. The possibilities of the day, the truth in what matters, the folly of the human mind, the craziness of it all... it all leads to discovery of what's in your core.
All of it inspired just by nature doing its thing - what it's done every day for thousands of years.
The morning brings peace by nature. And then we wake up and create chaos.
When you come to the beach, try a sunrise. Wake up, forget about everything and just take it all in. Watch the morning rise and let your mind go. Fall back to sleep with the sound of the ocean and the cool breeze of the salt air. Cleanse the soul. Cocktails, miniature golf, Boardwalk, and sun worship are for later. Take in an Atlantic Ocean sunrise and it may be the highlight of your trip. You can drink a beer anywhere. You only get an Ocean City sunrise in one place... Ocean City -- and it's free to those who want it.
Thought of the Day: "When the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
Amen to that.
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