Ocean City Maryland is the center of the universe on June 3-6, 2010 as the Ocean City Air Show flies into town for the 3rd annual event.
One of the flagship events in Ocean City every year, be sure to get to OC and catch your share of adrenaline.
As we celebrate this Memorial Day, not with how many beers we can drink and burgers we can jam down our throats, but by honoring those who died to let us do what we do (one above all), let's keep the feel-good going and gather together next weekend in OC to cheer on some of the best our military has to offer.
And let's invite Iran and North Korea to the party so they can get a real nice up close look at the Air Force's newest toy, the F-22 Raptor, not to mention the F-18's and F-16's on-hand. On the way home, maybe they should stop by Afghanistan and get a nice demonstration of the US Drone technology, but I better get back on topic before I put both feet on the stump.
Joining the Raptor will be the world famous Thunderbirds, the USN F-18 Hornet, F-16 Flyby, C-5 Galaxy, US Coast Guard, US Navy Seals Leap Frogs, US Army 101st Airborne and other military flybys.

Get your blood flowing and let your pride shine through. Come see the best in the world show why we are proud to be Americans.
Show center is 16th Street on the ocean. Hotel deals are available, including free meals at your favorite restaurants in town. Search for lowest rates guaranteed at OceanCityRes.com.
Air Show Schedule:
Thursday, June 3
- 3pm: Thunderbirds arrive over Ocean City
- 7pm: Performer Welcome Party at Sunset Grille. The US Navy Seals Leap Frogs will be jumping. Open to the public.
- 8am: Breakfast with the performers at Layton's Restaurant on 16th St.
- Noon: OC Air Show Preview featuring the Firebirds, the US Navy Seals Leap Frogs, US Coast Guard Search and Rescue Demo, F-18 Hornet Demo, Rob Holland and the Window World MX-2, Jason Newburg and Oakley Viper Pitts, Jack Knutson and the Extra 300 Solo and the US Air Force Thunderbirds.
- 3:30pm: Air Show Happy Hour at the Ocean View Grill on 16th St. on the Boardwalk
- 7pm: Air Show Take Off Party at Seacrets. Open to the public.
- 8am: Breakfast with the performers at Layton's Restaurant on 16th St.
- 9am: Display village opens on 15th, 16th and 17th streets and Inlet Parking Lot
- 10am: The Drop Zone and Show Center Beach open on 16th St.
- 11am: The Clubhouse and VIP Club Viewing Stand Open at Show Center Beach on 16th St.
- Noon: Air Show begins featuring the National Anthem, Flag Jump, US Navy Seals Leap Frogs, The Firebirds, Sean Carroll and YAK-9 Demo, US Coast Guard Demo, C-5 Galaxy Flyby, Geico Skytypers, F-22 Raptor Formation Flyby, Jack Knutson and the Extra 300 Solo, F-18 Hornet Demo, Rob Holland and the Windows World MX-2, 101st Airborne and US Navy Leap Frogs Joint Jump, Jason Newburg and the Oakley Viper Pitts, and the US Air Force Thunderbirds.
- 7:30pm: Air Show Beach Party hosted by DJ Batman on 16th St. and the beach with a Seals/Airborne joint night jump. Tickets required
8am: Breakfast with the performers at Layton's Restaurant on 16th St.
- 9am: Display village opens on 15th, 16th and 17th streets and Inlet Parking Lot
- 10am: The Drop Zone and Show Center Beach open on 16th St.
- 11am: The Clubhouse and VIP Club Viewing Stand Open at Show Center Beach on 16th St.
- Noon: Air Show commences with the National Anthem, Flag Jump, US Navy Seals Leap Frogs, The Firebirds, DE ANG C-130 Formation Flyby, Sean Carroll and YAK-9 Demo, US Coast Guard Demo, Geico Skytypers, F-16 Formation Flyby, Jack Knutson and the Extra 300 Solo, F-18 Hornet Demo, Rob Holland and the Windows World MX-2, 101st Airborne and US Navy Leap Frogs Joint Jump, Jason Newburg and the Oakley Viper Pitts, and the US Air Force Thunderbirds.
- 4pm: Air Show Happy Hour at Brass Balls Saloon on 11th Street
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